Thursday 10 November 2016

Right Versus Left? Election Postmortem

If you are anything like me your head is swimming after this historic election cycle that set new highs and lows of just about every kind. I’ll be making no statement on who I think should have “won” but I would like to make some observations and applications.

The vote that finally and mercifully came 595 days after the marathon started painted a very distinct picture of America. The cities were nearly all blue and nearly everything else was red. A friend of mine noted the stark contrast and asked the question “Why are rural Americans more conservative than urban ones?” It’s an interesting question. I’m not going to answer it. It is enough for the purpose of my observations to recognize that the divide between conservative America (Republicans) and liberal America (Democrats) is an urban/rural divide.

The media and tradition convinced everyone there were only two options. I applaud the 4 million + voters who knew better and had the courage to vote otherwise.

This reality is significant especially if you are a Christian and I’ll show you why. Jesus was a man. He lived in the real world surrounded by culture and politics. His own culture was deeply divided between the conservatives (Pharisees) and liberals (Sadducees). The Sadducees tended to be more urban and largely controlled the political leadership of Judah. The Pharisees were more rural and starkly conservative. The two groups hated each other. They couldn’t have been more opposed to each other. Social pressures, culture, etc… demanded you identify as one or the other. However there were other smaller groups, those who refused to be one or the other. Whether I agree with those who stand apart from the either/or mainstream I respect their independent spirit and willingness to think for themselves.

Here is the rub. In America most Christians think Jesus is Republican. In reality the conservatives were as zealous if not more zealous to kill Jesus than the liberals were. In the end they conspired together to try and snuff Him out. In the end for all the opposition and hatred between the right and left, they became one to dispose of Jesus.

What has been will be again, there is nothing new under the sun… (Eccl. 1:9)

Today I went to my children’s school for the Remembrance Day service. My son’s grade made a presentation that literally reduced me to tears. While a slide show of images from all over the world played in the background to the song “Let There Be Peace on Earth” each student held up a poster with a phrase on it. Each phrase was their contribution to what they would aspire to do to maintain peace on earth.

I looked at those grand ideals which are really just basic human decency and I thought “How many of those values were modeled in the 595 day election campaign? How many of them will be modeled in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead by the new president elect?

If I have learned anything from both being a child and observing children grow up, it is that we learn from what people do, not what they say. Did you know American men stopped wearing fedoras because JFK didn’t wear one and that Teddy Bears became popular because of Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt?

Yesterday a young woman was exposed to the rants of a young man making fun of all the whining women who didn’t vote for the current president elect. He even suggested that maybe they needed to be grabbed by the “v@&!^a”. Who modeled that? Who gave him permission to behave in such a brash and rude way?

Truth is above politics. It’s above the clash between the right and left. It is higher, better, outside, and beyond the noise. Truth is a lonely place. It is a place where a person loves the right and the left but is usually hated by both. It’s where Jesus walked. I encourage you, implore you, beg you to walk with Him in that sacred space that values all people and seeks healing and understanding over being right and pushing an agenda. I cried because my son stood there with his class with a simple message, a beautiful message, a message that finds no space in the news cycle and is less and less in the hearts of the men and women who are held up as our leaders. What kind of future will they face? What world has my son inherited?

Make no mistake, I will pray for the success and growth of every leader. I will obey in every way I can. I’m just asking you to seek a better mentor. Look up. Jesus is a role model like no other. Follow Him.
***If you weren't able to read all the posters here is what they said left to right:
Be unbiased
Say kind words
Be content
Accept others
Be loving
Have a happy heart
Be understanding
Include people
Be kind
Be happy for others
Try try try again
Be honest
Be supportive
Have a flexible mindset